The following article, by Osha, was published in the December 1987- February 1988 Dyad School of Enlightenment Newsletter:
“The concept of the Annual Intensive, originally known as “the Advanced Intensive,” came to me following an Enlightenment Intensive mastered by William Welch at Origin in the summer of 1980. It was more of an assignment than something that came from me. The idea was to produce a large, low-cost Enlightenment Intensive each year for workshop leaders, Enlightenment Masters, and other spiritual key people, especially people who work with large groups. The thought was that a shift in consciousness by those individuals and the synergy created by their contact with one another could positively influence the lives of a great many others.
I telephoned William Welch, Jeff Love, and Jim Schuenemann and asked them if they would co-master the first of these Intensives, which was held at the Yosemite Center of the Headlands Institute in Rodeo Beach, near Sausalito CA. Fifty-one people attended. The original idea, which we discarded after the first three Intensives, was that the staff should rotate so that everyone could participate. After the third, we also decided that “Advanced Intensive” was too presumptuous and changed the name to the “Annual Intensive.”
Whether or not the Annual Intensive has transformed the consciousness of Northern California, it survives and seems to be growing in popularity. The Master for each year is selected by the other masters and makes the decisions about how his or her Intensive should be run, so each one is different. Any money left over goes into an Annual Intensive fund to be used for mailings about Intensives around the world and other projects which support the Enlightenment Intensive community as a whole.
The Enlightenment Intensive community is a very special network, which I’m honored to be part of. I send love to all my old friends and look forward to meeting you whom I don’t yet know.”
Osha Reader, ORIGIN Star Route, Sattley, California 96124 USA
First Annual (originally Advanced) Intensive
February 13-15, 1981
Yosemite Center at the Headlands Institute, Rodeo Beach, Sausalito CA
Mastered by William Welch, Jim Schuenemann, and Jeff Love (rotating staff)
51 participants and staff
Second Annual (Advanced) Intensive
January 8, 9. 10, 1982
Yosemite Center at the Headlands Institute, Sausalito
Mastered by Edrid, Bruce Noble, and Osha Reader (rotating staff)
39 participants and staff
Third Annual (Advanced) Intensive
January 28 - 31, 1983
Yosemite Center at the Headlands Institute, Sausalito
Mastered by Edrid, Jeff Love, and ? (rotating staff)
That was the power-outage Intensive and the last one we had in winter.
37 participants & staff
Fourth Annual Intensive
October 21-23, 1983
Wilbur Hot Springs, Williams CA
Mastered by Andrew Brewer
Staff included Dawn Nelson & Mark Ederer…
30 total
Fifth Annual Intensive
September 21-23, 1984
Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown CA
Mastered by Stephen Islas (Bhima), Dawn Nelson helped organize.
Staff: Dawn, Barry Barankin, Jeff Love, Bruce Noble, and Don Merrill-Wilson.
43 participants, 9 staff
Sixth Annual Intensive
September 27-29, 1985
Rainbow Ranch, Calistoga CA
Mastered by Dawn Nelson
Monitors were Thom Elkjer, Barry Barankin, Jackie Dennis, Bruce Noble, Osha Reader, Nirmala, Becky Lewis.
36 participants, 8 staff
Seventh Annual Intensive
October 11, 12, 13, 1986
Won Buddhist Temple, Carmel
Mastered by Edrid. Bruce Noble was on staff
Eighth Annual Intensive
October 23-25, 1987
Pacific Lutheran Seminary, Berkeley CA
Mastered by Jeff Love, Osha chief monitored
68 participants, 15 staff
Ninth Annual Intensive
September 16, 17, 18, 1988
Headlands Institute, Sausalito CA
Mastered by Kali Hess. Staff included Narada Hess
32 participants, 12 staff
Tenth Annual Intensive
September 15, 16, 17, 1989
St. Dorothy’s Rest, Occidental CA
Mastered by Satyavati Noyes
Staff: Skanda (Lawrence Noyes), Dawn Nelson, Barry Barankin, Glen Brunner, JLynn Berry, Chris Willett, Pushpani, Dan Quincy, Ron Heinrich, William Welch.
45 participants, 11 staff
Eleventh Annual Intensive
September 14, 15, 16, 1990
St. Dorothy’s Rest, Occidental CA
Mastered by Skanda (Lawrence Noyes)
Staff: Satya Noyes, Dawn Nelson, Anna Billings, Dan Quincy, Linda Thornborough, Menaka Woolford, Osha Reader & Stephane Vallucci (cooks)
32 participants, 9 staff - Lawrence introduced the cycle changeover.
Twelfth Annual Intensive
September 13, 14, 15, 1991
St. Dorothy’s Rest, Occidental CA
Mastered by Jeff Love
35-40 people
Thirteenth Annual Intensive
October 2, 3, 4, 1992
Holy Redeemer Center, Oakland CA
Mastered by Edrid
Fourteenth Annual Intensive
October 1, 2, 3, 1993
Holy Redeemer Center, Oakland CA
Mastered by Kalidasa
42 people. Profits to SF homeless organization.
Fifteenth Annual Intensive
September 30, October 1 and 3, 1994
Isis Oasis, Geyserville CA
Mastered by Dawn Nelson
Staff: Edrid, Thom Elkjer, Barry Barankin, Narada Hess, & Anna Billings
31 participants, 5 staff
Sixteenth Annual Intensive
October 13, 14, 15, 1995
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Edrid (theater)
49 participants, 7 staff
Seventeenth Annual Intensive
October 4, 5, 6, 1996
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Osha Reader (theater)
Staff: Rick Santos (chief monitor), Edrid, Gary Dietz, Justin Pomeroy, Patsy Boyer, Fred Thompson, Anna Billings
47 participants, 7 staff
Eighteenth Annual Intensive
October 3, 4, 5, 1997
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Mark Ederer.
Staff: Osha Reader, Edrid, Dawn Nelson, Steve Cavin, Cecile Langelier
Nineteenth Annual Intensive
October 2, 3, 4, 1998
Isls Oasis (upstairs in Lodge)
Mastered by Dawn Nelson.
Staff: Steve Cavin, Edrid, Mark Ederer, Edda Caraballo, Cecile Langelier
43 people
Twentieth Annual Intensive
October 1, 2, 3, 1999
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Jeff Love
46 people
Twenty-first Annual Intensive
October 2000
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Jim Schuenemann
45 participants, 8 staff
Twenty-second Annual Intensive
September 28, 29, 30, 2001
Isis Oasis (temple)
Mastered by Edrid
Staff: Patrick Cole, Michelle Reynolds (cook), Rick Santos, Steve Cavin, Jlynn Berry, Rick Vail
50 people
Twenty-third Annual Intensive
September 5 - 8, 2002
St. Dorothy’s Rest, Occidental CA
Mastered by William Welch
Twenty-fourth Annual Intensive
September 19, 20, 21, 2003
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Jack Wexler
Staff: Gregory le Baron, Michelle Reynolds, Michael Bohdan, Anna Billings, JLynn Berry, Joseph Rubano, Amrita, Kate Feeley, Osha Reader
38 Participants, 8 staff
Twenty-fifth Annual Intensive
October 15, 16, 17, 2004
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Edrid and Osha
Staff: JLynn Berry, Roxanne Armstrong, Daniel Karan, Erik Grabow, Rick Vail
47 participants, 7 staff
Twenty-sixth Annual Intensive
September 30, October 1 & 2, 2005
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Mark Ederer
Staff: Roxanne Armstrong, Osha Reader, Edrid, Bill Savoie, Barry Barankin, Jim Beau (cook)
40 participants, 8 staff
Twenty-seventh Annual Intensive
October 6, 7, 8, 2006
Four Springs, Middletown CA
Mastered by Patsy Boyer and Anna Billings
Staff: Steve Cavin (chief), Thom Elkjer. This was Bruce Noble’s last Intensive (#105)
35 participants, 7 staff
Twenty-eighth Annual Intensive
September 28, 29, 30, 2007
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Jeff Love
Staff: Mark Ederer, Dawn Nelson, Michael Bohdan, Edrid, Adrienne Parker, Shoshanna Love (silent monitor)
38 participants, 8 staff
Twenty-ninth Annual Intensive
October 3, 4, 5, 2008
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Edda Caraballo
Staff: Tony Browne, Dawn Nelson, Patrick Cole, Pitaka Close. (Dawn & Pitaka sat in.)
15/16 Participants
Thirtieth Annual Intensive
October 3,4, 5, 2009
Isis Oasis
Mastered by Edrid
Staff: Steve Cavin, Dawn Nelson, Erik Grabow, Osha, Mark Ederer, Jason Nathaniel
28 participants, 7 staff
Thirty-first Annual Intensive
October 22, 23, 24, 2010
Holy Redeemer Center, Oakland CA
Mastered by Murray Kennedy
Staff: Patsy Boyer, Anna Billings, Osha Reader, Edrid, Brenda McMorrow, Steve Cavin, and Michelle Reynolds (cook)
38 participants
Thirty-second Annual Intensive
September 30, October 1 & 2, 2011
Anubhuti Retreat Center, Novato CA
Mastered by Forest and Edrid. Steve Cavin was chief monitor
29 participants, 5 staff
Thirty-third Annual Intensive
October 25-28, 2012
Anubhuti Retreat Center, Novato CA
Mastered by Mark Ederer and Osha Reader
Staff: Gillian, chief monitor, Jerry Stine, Nanette Winterfelt, Carla Clements
22 participants, 5 staff
Thirty-fourth Annual Intensive
October 24 - 27, 2013
Mastered by Patsy Boyer.
Staff: Anna Billings, Jessica Lamm, Karen Lynn, Edrid, Osha (Jeff Love’s last Intensive)
41 participants, 6 staff
Thirty-fifth Annual Intensive
October 23-26, 2014
Mastered by Murray Kennedy
Staff: Edrid, Dawn Nelson, Osha Reader, Patsy Boyer, Jessica Lamm
35 participants, 6 staff (last EI at Anubhuti)
Thirty-sixth Annual Intensive
October 22-26, 2015
Black Mountain Retreat Center, Cazadero CA
Mastered by Edrid
Staff: Patsy Boyer, Cynthia Spillman, Galina Brouwer, Osha Reader, Mark Ederer
40 participants, 6 staff
Thirty-seventh Annual Intensive
October 20-25, 2016
Black Mountain Retreat Center
Mastered by Erik Grabow
Staff: Nanette Winterfelt, Jessica Lamm, Jason Nathaniel, Osha Reader
17 participants
Thirty-eighth Annual Intensive
October 26-29, 2017
Peacock Point, San Rafael CA (Angela Center burned down 2 weeks before)
Mastered by Osha Reader
Staff: Edrid, Forest Dalton, Erik Grabow, Murray Kennedy, Michelle Reynolds (cook)
37 participants, 6 staff
Proceeds donated to UnDocuFund for fire relief
Thirty-ninth Annual Intensive
October 25-28, 2018
Isls Oasis
Mastered by Murray Kennedy
Staff included Jack Potticary, Osha, Anna Billings, Michelle Reynolds (cook).
38 people total
2019 Annual Intensive, Isis Oasis, cancelled on day of arrival due to Geyserville wildfire
Fortieth Annual Intensive/ZoomDyad Retreat
September 3-6, 2020
Mastered by Edrid
Staff: John Heron, Gillian Clark, Galina Brouwer, Nanette Winterfelt, Osha Reader, Zarina Parpia (tech)
40 participants, 7 staff
Forty-first Annual Intensive/Zoom Dyad Retreat
April 1-4, 2021 (After the 2017 and 2019 autumn fires, it was decided to move the Annual Intensive to the third weekend in April)
Mastered by Patsy Boyer
Staff: Zarina Parpia, Cynthia Spillman, Brent Boyer, Charles Thackray, Matt Kane
56 participants, 6 staff
Forty-second Annual Intensive/Zoom Dyad Retreat
April 14-17, 2022
Mastered by Edrid
Staff: Patsy, John Heron, Cynthia Spillman, Gillian Healed, Osha Reader, Nanette Winterfelt
52 participants, 7 staff
Forty-third Annual Intensive/Zoom Dyad Retreat
April 20-23, 2023
Master: Joseph Rubano
Staff: John Heron, Matt Kane, Patsy Boyer, Kate Feeley, Kamakshi Maa, Osha Reader